Reaching a place you’ve never been before with Daniel Bruce Levin

Daniel Bruce Levin, an author, a human connection expert, and business leader that has guided government organizations and corporations, as well as individuals on how they treat others and themselves. 

He walked away from an opportunity to run a household brand. Embarking on a hitchhiking journey around the world searching for happiness and inner peace, his quest developed as a fable, The Mosaic

In this episode, Daniel Levin teaches us that Love allows you to get to a place you’ve never been before, discussing the spiral nature of life, the metaphysical nature of reality, moments of epic realization, using the one piece to discover the one peace, and the beautiful mosaic that connects us all. 



  1. Constantly practice being kind to yourself- love yourself so you can love others

  2. Hold space for people to empty all of their pain and suffering into

Links from Episode:


The Mosaic

Autobiography of a Yogi

Bhaghavad Gita




The BeKind2U Challenge

Can You Be Kind to Yourself for 21 Consecutive Days?


Tedd Huff: We’re the same person we’ve been since childhood? 

Daniel Levin: Life is like a spiral: we start on the edges and get closer towards who we really are at the center. 

Tedd: Why did you decide to become a Rabbi, only to stop one day away from completion? 

Daniel: A rabbi said to me, “Your problems always exist, but the more deeply we get involved with ourselves, the more strong we become, and we rise up over those problems.” And it made me realize, one day before I was ordained, that I had to leave and do just that in India.  

Tedd: What was your answer to “Why were you born Jewish?” 

Daniel: To bring a bigger, more comprehensive understanding to the very black and white nature of Judaism. 

Tedd: You bring up the idea that our perception of reality is only a part of the whole of reality.  

Daniel: 100% guaranteed, the reality that we see is not the total reality. What we do see blocks us from seeing everything else in life. Everything changes with a change in perception. 

Tedd: What was your biggest life-altering moment? 

Daniel: The death of my parents. The way they loved and accepted me, set an imprint as if that’s what was possible.

Tedd: How did losing your wife test your belief in love? 

Daniel: I lost faith in myself, in the God I believed in, in the connections I had with people. It scared the hell out of me. A thought pattern emerged in my head: the people around me tended to get hurt. 

Tedd: Did that change how you defined friendship? 

Daniel: Let me say this, I think a lot of people think I’m their friend. I don’t think a lot of people are my friend. 

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Daniel Levin-The Mosaic






Daniel Bruce Levin