Matt Dawson, Breaking World Records to inspire personal transformations & raising money for Veterans

Matt Dawson a former investment banker, after a series of events including losing 2 people close to him and finding himself with a tear-filled bowl of oatmeal while hiking the Himalayas has shifted his life of being self-centered to service-centered.

Matt founded Dawson’s Peak to serve others with a mission to inspire personal transformations and push the boundaries of human capability.

He was scheduled to start the global adventure of a lifetime this month. Unfortunately, the Corona Virus COVID-19 has delayed that mission.

In 2021, He will set seven world records in 12 months as he treks the polar regions of Antarctica scales the world’s 7 highest mountains, pilots a plane around the World, rows a boat across the deadly Atlantic Ocean and traverse one of the worlds hottest deserts on a motorcycle. 


1. Live with Purpose

1a. Get Quite with Yourself

2. Apply Your Passion & Purpose

3. Be Present in Your What and Why

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Make a Difference by donating to 7 for Soldiers

Dawson’s Peak is able to fulfill its mission due to the support of generous donors. We welcome all donation levels and thank you in advance for your generous contribution.


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